We are closing in on the end of the year, partaking in family activities, holiday celebration and giving. Nonprofits, especially, optimize on the last few months in hope to make large impact for their missions. From one of our previous blogs, we featured Note in the Pocket. This nonprofit uses the holiday season to build a focus around collecting jackets and winter-wear for children in schools who may not be clothed properly.

With numerous missions in action today, check out this line up of nonprofits making an impact:


“Developing the capacity of young people includes responsibility, teamwork, leadership, environmental stewardship, equity, community, problem solving and experiential learning.” Seeds has introduced a whole-child educational program where children can learn skills in growing, cooking, sharing food and more. The nonprofit operates on a two-acre urban garden with a kitchen classroom - providing a community where young people learn to respect life, the Earth and each other. Seeds is in the process of building a new area, The Farm Terrace, which includes six large raised beds - thus increasing the plantable area by 1,650 square feet.


Started in 2014, ReCity was comprised of nonprofit and church leaders seeking to tackle city-wide challenges on youth development. Today, The ReCity Network has expanded its mission to become the social impact hub based in the “Bull City.” They run their nonprofit in a 12,000 square feet space dedicated to collaboration, meetings, community events, etc. in Durham. The power of ReCity Network lies in the mission to solve problems related to race, gender, wealth and opportunity, while also promoting a life of efficiency, innovation, collaboration and inspiration.

Mariposa School for Children with Autism

Mariposa provides a catered learning center specializing in intensive individualized instruction to children with autism. The nonprofit helps to improve the child’s development in educational, behavioral, social, speech and motor skills, offering tailored attention to each student. Mariposa fulfills their mission of improving the quality of life in children with autism and their families. Today, the nonprofit has made achievements like being listed as a SMILE Charitable Organization on Amazon (you can shop and support the school at the same time).

Ten Thousand Villages

This nonprofit is all about fair trade - what it means, how it’s made and why it matters. Ten Thousand Villages is a nonprofit retailer offering handcrafted decor and gifts created by artisans in more than 30 countries. They offer a range of product selection and are hoping to build exposure of artisans whose work isn’t just “their livelihood, but an expression of their culture.” So what does the team do outside of selling artisan products? Ten Thousand Villages also offers presentations about fair trade to community groups and how to get involved. Together, the nonprofit directly impacts the lives of 20,000 makers, helping to turn around profit and provide income to the artisans.

Backpack Beginnings

“Our Food and Comfort Backpacks make all the difference for a child facing a long weekend filled with hunger or a day shattered by traumatic experience.” From what started out as a small project with food in Parker White’s (Founder) dining room and over $8,000 in funding from friends, family and neighbors has now turned into a multi-program organization that now serves over 6,000 children in need. With the support of local businesses, churches and foundations, Backpack Beginnings has been able to fund their operation and reach those children in need.

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