As a nonprofit, your job is to further your mission and change the world. With that, you have a responsibility to set yourself and your teams up for success and sustainability. Nowadays, technology is being leveraged for its near-infinite productivity resources. The trouble that nonprofits may run into is that the work never ends. Finding credible sources for information that are going to help your nonprofit can be time-consuming. Here at Green Skies, we believe in making things simple and easy for nonprofits so they can focus more on the work they’re passionate about. So we have put together a list of a few tech resources we believe help nonprofits succeed.


TechSoup helps provide nonprofits with the technology they need at an affordable cost through their product donation service. They house a very impressive hardware and software catalog of over 375 products from over 100 companies like Adobe, Cisco, and Microsoft. Over on their website, they also have opportunities to partner with other organizations to create a more equitable world.

Microsoft Office 365

We’ve spoken about the benefits of moving to the cloud (check out blog post here) but if your nonprofit hasn’t been benefitting from Microsoft Office 365 yet, you’re missing out on a huge productivity opportunity! Microsoft has a suite of cloud services that allow nonprofits to have access to their email, collaborative calendars, contacts, and docs whenever they need a secure environment. Additionally, it’s incredibly cost effective; they offer heavy discounts for nonprofits to use their service.

Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)

Social media is an incredible tool for your nonprofit because it provides direct access to supporters and fellow organizations all over the world in an instant. It also allows your nonprofit to show the world what it does in a captivating and organic way. Pick a couple channels that make sense for your nonprofit, create an account, and start sharing!


The ability to accept credit cards is critical for nonprofit fundraising. PayPal is an essential tool that allows nonprofits the ability to accept credit cards for donations. They make it so simple and even have resources that allow your nonprofit to accept donations in person. To top everything off, they slash transaction rate percentages so less of your resources are being used.

Bloomerang (CRM)

It’s no secret that supporter retention rates are quite the thorn in the side of nonprofits. Bloomerang is a CRM tool that helps change that. They allow your nonprofit to track supporter relationships at each stage to help paint the bigger picture and potentially expand your scope of influence. Paying attention to your nonprofit’s relationships with your supporters will help keep your retention rates from suffering dramatically.

We are the IT solution for nonprofits; helping them focus on what matter.

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