We love serving the nonprofit community through IT services but sometimes we can’t help but gush about them a little bit. There’s a lot in the world that makes us think negatively and gets us down. However, when we find organizations that have a passion so fiery for their causes, it’s hard to keep that joy to yourself! We highlighted a few nonprofits a couple months ago but there were so many to choose from that we decided to highlight some more. Here are 5 (more) nonprofits making an impact in their communities.

Raleigh Rescue Mission

Since 1961, the city of Raleigh has had the Raleigh Rescue Mission as a shining beacon of hope for the homeless in the city. Over the course of a year, around 4,000 people experience homelessness in some form or the other. Many of the more severe cases leave people in the elements due to rising housing costs and low wages. The RRM have a pure heart for those experiencing homelessness and provide them a safe place. Not only do they provide emergency overnight housing for families, but they work to build people up. They offer many services through education, recovery programs, and housing assistance to get people back on their feet.

Belk Foundation

In North Carolina, the Belk name carries a lot of weight. They’ve been around since the late-20s and their philanthropic endeavors benefit the community immensely. The Belk Foundation is laser focused on K-3 achievement, leadership, and teachers. They work tirelessly to ensure that every dollar that is invested in education is making the most impact possible. What they’re finding is that by investing in quality teaching, strong leadership, and programs that push the boundaries of education, kids are excelling and making strides towards better futures.

Book Harvest NC

While the world is pushing for better technology to eliminate the need for paper, you’d be surprised that the power of books still remains palpable. Book Harvest NC understands this power and the effect it can have on young minds. In a study, they found that homes lacking in books had a profound impact on the mind of the children growing up in that home. Furthermore, this is mainly due to economics. Lower income families can’t afford to spend money on books, therefore, children suffer. Book Harvest wants to change this and provides books to children in low-income homes so that they bridge the book gap and increase the educational advantage. They are incredible at inspiring the community to come together to donate books through book drives. Over the years, they have collected over 500,000 books for children.

Carolina Tiger Rescue

It’s a sad reality that animals in the wild are captured, mistreated, and exploited by humans. The Carolina Tiger Rescue works to save these animals, whether they be in the wild or in captivity. It’s their mission to provide healthy and happy environments for these wild cats and educate people on the dangers of exploitation and its effects. Through their advocacy, they’ve been able to help facilitate changes in not only business practices involving animals but their marketing. They even partner with lawmakers in helping bring legislation to enforce the fair treatment of these animals.

A Small Miracle

Based out of Goldsboro, NC, A Small Miracle provides services to children and adults alike who have various forms of mental and physical disabilities. They are passionate about creating robust lives for those living with disability in a way that is empowering. And this isn’t just fluff, they partner with highly trained professionals providing the highest form of care. Over the years they have expanded to 4 other locations aside from the one in Goldsboro.

If you missed our first roundup of nonprofits making an impact, check it out HERE.

As always, if you have questions or want to gush about your own organization, leave us a comment or shout us out on twitter!



