5 Nonprofits Making an Impact


5 Nonprofits Making an Impact

It can be daunting sifting through the thousands of nonprofit efforts happening simultaneously around the country. Whether you’re an individual looking to donate your time or you're a nonprofit  finding others to partner, it can be a huge task. In North Carolina alone, there are countless nonprofits making an impact but we’ve chosen to highlight a few. These organizations are not only doing incredible work but they’re seeing insane results.


Keep Your Data Safe: Tips for Nonprofits


Keep Your Data Safe: Tips for Nonprofits

As technology progresses, more and more nonprofits are realizing the greater impact they can have through adopting new practices. Let’s take cloud storage, for example. Instead of having an Indiana Jones sized library of records, nonprofits have the option to digitize. This cuts down on time, cuts costs to use space & brings ease of access. However, with these luxuries breeds a different problem: data security.
